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2024 Voter Toolkit 009: How To Preview Your Ballot?

My Voting Power

Election Day is 10 days away! MVP’s final step in the journey to the polls lands us here: preparing and reviewing your ballot. If we have the opportunity to be as prepared as possible, then why not?

Using one of our favorite resources,, you can preview what your ballot will look like. This way, the first time you see your options won’t be at the polls. With this resource, you can plan your choices ahead of time. All you need to do is enter your address so the database can locate your district. 

After entering your address, you will see a screen like this where you will be able to see each candidate up for election. This is a sample ballot for one of the Greenwich districts!

Once you preview your sample ballot, you can more effectively plan out how you will be voting. Don’t let Election Day be the first time you see your options! This resource is so important to the process of preparing your vote, use it wisely! You can build upon all the research and introspection you have done throughout this journey with MVP to finally fill out your ballot.

Check out a little preview of where we will be going together before election day to make sure you have all the information you need before getting to the polls. 

009: How Do I Review My Ballot? 

010: The Final Countdown: What Do We Need To Do To Prepare for Election Day? 

011: Election Recap



My Voting Power is a non-partisan organization with

the goal of encouraging millennial involvement in politics. 

©2024 MY VOTING POWER, LLC. All Rights Reserved

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