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2024 Voter Toolkit 008: Am I Ready For Election Day?

We’re getting close to Election Day and you might be asking yourself: Am I ready?

Over the last few months, we have talked through the stresses associated with voting, the importance of voting, the important issues in this election, how to research issues and candidates, and ways to learn and discuss with your community. Now it’s time to pull it all together. Let’s check in with ourselves and determine if we are ready to head to the polls. 

🔥 STEP 1: Do I Know Myself As A Voter? 

Recognizing your voter behavior was the first step that we laid out in our Voter Toolkit series. Knowing yourself, what motivates you, and what your values are will help you make a thoughtful decision on who to vote for. Ask yourself the following questions to see if you have a handle on who you are as a voter, constituent, citizen, and community member. 

Why do I want to vote? 

Why do I think voting is important? 

Does voting stress me out? Why? 

What values are important to me? 

What does this election mean? 

What does my vote mean? 

What are my roadblocks to voting? 

🔥 STEP 2: What Action Do I Want To See? 

Next, think about what action and change you want to see in our community, our city, and our country. We can’t emphasize enough that your vote has an impact. Make sure you know what issues will inform your vote before you head to the polls. That way, you can match your own core values to the candidates that will best represent you and your community. Use these questions to get a sense of what change you want to see and how you envision the future. 

What changes do I want to see in local or national politics?

What kind of people do I want to see in leadership? 

What are my core beliefs and opinions that drive my vote? 

What hot topics am I most passionate about?

  • Economic concerns

  • Education

  • Criminal Justice

  • Government role and size

  • LGBTQIA+ and race

  • Climate and environment

  • Health Care

  • National security and immigration

Where do I stand on big issues? 

How do these issues affect me, my community, and my country? 

🔥 Step 3: Do I Know The Candidates? 

Finally, we want you to make sure you have effectively researched the candidates and their potential impact. We laid out how to do this in our previous Voter Toolkit, How To Research A Candidate. Knowing your options might be the most important part of your journey to the polls. Use these questions to check in on how informed you are and if there is more research to be done.  

Which candidates stand out to me? 

Which candidates concern me? 

What do these candidates stand for? 

What policy/action will these candidates prioritize? 

Which candidates do I need to learn more about? 

We are taking our final steps on the journey towards the polls to ensure that the entire MVP community will be waking up on Election Day with research and education under our belts. Use our resources to inform your vote before you fill out your ballot. Just remember, your voice counts! Stay tuned for our last two Voter Toolkits leading up to Election Day!


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