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2023 Voter Toolkit: Who Is On The Ballot?

My Voting Power

With election day approaching, it’s important to gather all the facts before you get to the polls. The first step is to understand who the candidates are, what they stand for, and who will make the right kind of change in our community. This requires knowing the candidates beforehand and understanding how they could impact our community if elected.

To start, if you would like to preview the full ballot, you can do so online at before every election! This will give you an idea of exactly what to expect when you head to the polls. To make it easy, MVP has put together a comprehensive list of everyone on the ballot. Check it out!

While looking through the candidates for each role, check back to our last Voter Toolkit article to brush up on the roles and responsibilities of each elected office.

But, how else can you research the candidates? Check out local publications, social media, party websites (Greenwich Republicans & Greenwich Democrats), and individual candidate websites to hear directly from them and community members. With so much access to information online, you can learn alot about each candidate on the ballot before election day comes around.

Now let’s get into it: who is on your ballot for the upcoming municipal election?

First Selectman → Vote for one

Laura Erickson (D)

Fred Camillo (R)

  • Incumbent

Board Of Selectmen → Vote for one

Janet Stone McGuigan (D)

  • Incumbent

Lauren Rabin (R)

  • Incumbent

Board Of Education → Vote for no more than four, Up to two from each party

Karen Hirsh (D)

  • Incumbent

Sophie Koven (D)

Wendy Vizzo Walsh (R)

Karen Kowalski (R)

  • Incumbent

Board Of Estimation & Taxation → Vote for up to six

Stephen Selbst (D)

  • Incumbent

Scott Kalb (D)

Matt DesChamps (D)

Leslie Moriarty (D)

  • Incumbent

Elliot Alchek (D)

David Weisbrod (D)

  • Incumbent

David Alfano (R)

Nisha Arora (R)

  • Incumbent

Karen Fassuliotis (R)

  • Incumbent

Harry Fisher (R)

  • Incumbent

Lucia Delvalle Jansen (R)

Leslie Tarkington (R)

  • Incumbent

Tax Collector → Vote for one

Joe Huley (D)

Heather Smeriglio (R)

  • Incumbent

Town Clerk → Vote for one

Lucy von Brachel (D)

Jackie Budkins (R)

  • Incumbent

Constable → Vote for up to four

Donnie Romeo (D)

  • Incumbent

Dawn Fortunato (D)

  • Incumbent

Charles Thivierge (R)

  • Incumbent

Dan Sinisi (R)

Donna Maloney (R)

  • Incumbent

Tom Waurihsuk (R)

Board Of Assessment Appeals → Vote for up to three

Bill Grad (D)

  • Incumbent

Joe Huley (D)

  • Incumbent

Kit Mill (R)

  • Incumbent

Mark Pruner (R)

  • Incumbent

Jeff Reardon (R)

  • Incumbent


My Voting Power is a non-partisan organization with

the goal of encouraging millennial involvement in politics. 

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