Welcome to a new batch of elected officials, MVP community! After our last election on November 7, 2023, we voted in a new set of local elected officials. Before these newly elected officials assume office, we are coming to you with all the information you need to get to know them. Use this resource to uncover the change these leaders enacted on a state and local level in past terms as well as what their plans are for 2024.
Newly Elected Officials:
First Selectman: Fred Camillo (Incumbent)
Get in contact with Fred Camillo’s office at the office of the First Selectman.
Selectman: Laura Rabin (Incumbent) & Janet Stone McGuigan (Incumbent)
Get in contact with the office of the Board of Selectmen.
Board of Estimation and Taxation (BET): Republican party earned chairmanship
(D) Stephen Selbst, Elliot Alchek, David Weisbrod, Matt DesChamps, Scott Kalb, Leslie Moriarty
(R) Harry Fisher, Lucia Jansen, David Alfano, Karen Fassuliotis, Nisha Arora, Leslie L. Tarkington
Get in contact with the Board of Estimation and Taxation office here.
Representative Town Meeting (RTM): There were 336 candidates across 12 districts for 230 seats on the Greenwich Representative Town Meeting. You can view the full RTM election results here.
Board of Education:
(D) Karen Hirsh
(D) Sophie Koven
(R) Wendy Vizzo Walsh
(R) Karen Kowalski
Get in contact with the Board Of Education office here.
Tax Collector: Heather Smeriglio (Incumbent)
Get in contact with the Tax Collector office here.
Town Clerk: Jacqueline A. Budkins (Incumbent)
Get in contact with the Town Clerk office here.
(D) Donnie Romeo
(D) Dawn Fortunato
(R) Charles Thivierge
(R) Dan Sinisi
(R) Donna Maloney
(R) Tom Waurishuk
Get in contact with the office off the Constables here.
Board Of Assessment Appeals:
(D) William Grad
(D) Joe Huley
(R) Kit Mill
(R) Mark Pruner
(R) Jeff Reardon
Get in contact with the Board of Assessment Appeals office here.